Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Welcome to my blog

After returning from Los Angeles last week and while preparing to leave for Europe next week, I thought it was time to have a permanent place online for my travel blogs. Multiple e-mails were getting tedious and I needed a place to collect travel stories and photographs. So this is my new online home.
Future blogs will be stories, tips, lessons, and laughs about my travels. Trips within the last few years have included weekend jaunts to US locations including: New York, Boston, Seattle, Florida, San Diego, Los Angeles, Michigan, Ohio, Phoenix and New Orleans. Recent European trips have included: London, Paris, Madrid, Barcelona, Mallorca, the British Virgin Islands and next week, Ireland.
I hope you enjoy reading my travel adventures as much as I enjoy writing them.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

where's the LA story?? : )

10:28 AM  

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